Salo evening market – Maran Houseband feat. Elastinen
Thu 4.7.2024 at 16:00 - 20:00
Salo market
This event has taken accessibility fully in account.

Maran Baari is hosting an evening market on July 4, 2024, starring Maran Houseband and Elastinen combo! The artists will start at approximately 6 PM.
Elastinen is an artist, producer, entrepreneur, and one of the founding members of Rähinä Records. The rapper, who started his career in the Fintelligens duo, has released five solo albums. In 2016-2017, Elastinen was part of the Profeetat lineup with Cheek, releasing 6 singles and an album. Elastinen’s singles “Supervoimii” and “Loppuun Asti” (feat. Johanna Kurkela), released in 2018, have achieved double platinum and platinum streaming status and received significant radio airplay. Elastinen’s latest album, “Uusia Muistoi,” was released in November 2020.