Salo evening market – Stig
Thu 13.6.2024 at 16:00 - 20:00
Salo market
This event has taken accessibility fully in account.

LähiTapiola Etelä and Suur-Seudun Osuuskauppa are hosting an evening market starring Stig on June 13, 2024! The artist will start at approximately 6 PM.
Stig, who has released numerous gold and platinum singles over the years, has provided Finns with several enduring hits, such as “Puumaa mä metsästän” and “Original gigolo” (feat. Teflon Brothers). His album “Stig,” released in 2015, included the mega-hit “Roy Orbison,” which was the ninth most played song on Finnish radio that year. In the fall of 2020, Stig participated in the highly popular TV show “Vain Elämää” on Channel Four, where he captivated audiences with his immensely popular hit “Kuningaskobra.”