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Salo Circus Festival 2024 Saturday 27.7.

Sat 27.7.2024 at 12:00 - 21:00
Salo market and city center, circus tent
Circus artists performing

Annual international performing arts festival in Salo.

More information and tickets:

Saturday 27.7. program:

Big Wolf Company: Not To Be Mentioned

Saturday 27.7 at 14.00 @AE circus tent, Helenankatu 3
Duration: 45 min
Recommended age limit: 10+

Cabaret Night: Circus performances, film screenings, and live entertainment

Featuring Simon Granit, Amanda Virkkunen, and much more!

Saturday 27.7. at 17.00 @Kulttuuritalo Kiva
Duration: 4 h (including 2x intermission)
Recommended age limit: 10+

More information and tickets:

Festival webpage
Updated 28.6.2024
Salo Circus