Fairy-tale forest trip art exhibition
5.3. - 4.4.2024
Kuusjoen kirjasto, Ylikulmantie 240, Kuusjoki

“Metsäretkillä satusilmin” is a fairy tale-themed art exhibition organized by Salon Seudun Taideharrastajat ry. The exhibition will be held at Kuusjoki Library’s exhibition space from March 5th to April 4th, 2024. The exhibition also features a self-service art station where visitors can draw and write about their own forest trips or thoughts inspired by the exhibition.
The exhibition is part of the “Lastenkulttuurin maaliskuu” (Children’s Culture March) theme month.
The exhibition is open at Kuusjoki Library during customer service hours. Please check the link for the times when the staff is present.
Image artwork: “Peikkotytön syntymäpäivät” by Aila Franssila-Karskela