Culture Connect Breakfast

Welcome to the “Culture Meets Breakfast” event, specifically targeted at representatives and employers of companies, with the theme of multicultural work environment and its management.
The event is part of the KotoSalo and KotoSomero projects, where Yrityssalo Oy is responsible for employer cooperation and promoting multiculturalism and diversity in work communities.
In Finland, the population is declining. This leads to a future where our working life is increasingly international and work communities are more diverse.
How do we find solutions to language problems? How do we connect with non-Finnish speakers in the Finnish working life? Did you know that about 10% of the residents in the Salon region are non-Finnish speakers?
During the breakfast event, we will discuss companies’ experiences with multiculturalism and the specific characteristics of diversity.
The event will feature examples from companies such as Vaisala Oyj, Marine Alutech, Hotel & Cafè Mathildedal, and Suur-Seudun Osuuskauppa SSO.
8:15 AM Morning coffee and savory snacks
8:30 AM Welcome
8:30 AM Multicultural and diverse Salo, Juha Metsänoja and Ani Grigoryan, KotoSalo and KotoSomero project, Yrityssalo Oy
8:50 AM Kolmiresurssi – a new way to employ in Salo, Petri Merisaari, Merifam. In Salo, a new temporary employment model called Kolmiresurssi has been developed for diverse employment in open labor markets. The development work has involved Kolmituote, which has already implemented the new temporary employment model.
9:20 AM Company presentations on practical solutions, successes, and challenges:
Case Marine Alutech Oy: The many faces of multiculturalism, Jens Grubl, Marketing
Case Hotel & Cafe Mathildedal: Experiences from the tourism industry, Krista Gustafsson, Entrepreneur, Ruukkimatkailu Oy
Case Vaisala Oyj: Why and how to succeed with hiring international talents, Joel Kinnunen, Manager, Talent Acquisition
Case SSO’s experiences in employing people with foreign backgrounds, Aino Tamminen and Eveliina Sahramo, SSO HR
At 10:40 Questions and discussion on the topic. What’s next?
At 11 The event ends
Participation is free, but requires pre-registration.