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Children’s Saturday: Vieras väki – dance and music performance

Sat 14.12.2024 at 13:00 - 13:40
Kulttuuritila Näkkäri, Ylhäistentie 2
This event has taken accessibility partially in account.

Väkikollektiivi presents Vieras väki- dance and music performance on Children’s Saturday 14.12.24 at the cultural space Näkkäri. The performance brings to life familiar mythical creatures from Finnish mythology and invites the audience to contemplate the importance of nature and encounters with the unknown. The performance consists of dance, Kalevala-inspired incantations, music, and a strong visual world. The performers transform into the spirits of the forest, air, and water. Towards the end of the performance, children also have the opportunity to dance with the performers.

Recommended age 3+, duration approx. 40 min.

Performance at 13-13:40pm


ticket 10€ (1 person)
family ticket 28€ (max. 4 people)
Assistants and children under 3 years old enter for free.
You can also borrow a Näkkäri card from the main library of Salo, which allows free entry for 2 people.

Tickets can be purchased from the online store of the City of Salo. Tickets are also available for purchase with card payment at the door before the performance.

Cultural space Näkkäri is located in connection with the Salo Adult Education Center at Ylhäistentie 2, Salo. The doors to the event open 30 minutes before the start of the event.

The event is produced by City of Salo, cultural services.

Welcome to enjoy dance and music!

Updated 6.6.2024
Salon kaupunki, yleiset kulttuuripalvelut